1 October 2001

We, Diverse Women for Diversity (DWD) committed to a peaceful world, celebrate our differences. From our differences come our strengths. We come from all the continents, and from different cultures and races, and are united in our vision for peace and justice for the world today. We want to leave a peaceful and just world for our children and for the generations to come. We celebrate and uphold cultural and biological diversity. We will defend all forms of diversity and resist all forms of monoculture, fundamentalism and violence from which intolerance and hatred arise.

The tragedy on September 11 has shown us another face of terror.

We join in the pain of all people who have faced the terror of those who do not value the sanctity of human life. We especially abhor the use of human beings themselves as weapons. In this regard the terror of September 11 cannot be viewed as a lone event. Many acts of such terror have been inflicted on the peoples of this earth. The sacredness and dignity of life, and the right to peaceful existence and justice have been destroyed through imperialistic globalization and all forms of fundamentalism.

Among the many tools of terror in the modern world are:

  • economic sanctions and structural adjustment policies by the WB, IMF, WTO, the transnationals, and their accomplices in the different governments that lead to starvation and disease epidemics

  • biotechnologies that threaten the roots of life

  • monocultures that destroy social and biological diversity

  • degradation of the environment for monetary gain

  • widespread application of pesticides that lead to deformities, illness and death

  • pollution of soils, water and ecosystems at large

  • the pursuit of profit by global corporations which is the driving force behind terrorism - terrorism which destroys sustainable livelihoods, cultural identities and the right of people to basic necessities of life

  • the marginalization of indigenous peoples through continuing colonization, and the loss of sovereignty

  • the growing disparity between the rich and the poor between countries, and within countries, including countries of the "developed" nations

  • the US-led NATO alliance with its new strategy which is fostering war all over the globe, with other governments being blackmailed to join in-this leads to further militarization and violence within all countries

Given the extent of such structural terror in the world it is perhaps surprising that direct terrorist attacks, like that of September 11, are not more common. If we want to end terrorism we must pay attention to all sources of injustice that widen the gap between rich and poor, men and women, nature and human beings, and which create the hopelessness that can lead to terrorism. We stand with those who are working to remove the structural causes of injustices.

Women, children, the differently-abled and the aged are the worst victims of this reign of terror:

  • the terror of not having water to drink and food to eat

  • the terror of food and water contamination

  • the terror of loss of livelihood

  • the terror of losing home, homeland, family and community and becoming a refugee

  • the terror of persistent poverty that leads to the sale of life and body organs

  • the terror of being forced into prostitution as a means of survival

  • the terror of living in communities where drug abuse has become a way of life

  • the terror of losing our children to a culture of violence

  • the terror of increased violence, in all forms,against women

  • the terror of patriarchy, racism, and casteism which affects the vast majority

  • the terror of living in a society where basic human rights for women are not respected 

We, Diverse Women for Diversity, pledge to overcome this capitalist patriarchal terrorism. We will work towards a world free of war, hunger and social and economic injustices. We condemn all acts of war and call on all nations to boycott pacts of aggression. We invite all women of the world to join with us in stopping governments from rushing into a mindless global war. Together, we will find peaceful, creative and non-violent ways to end terrorism in all its forms.

We ask all peoples of the world to stand with us in defending and celebrating diversity, peace and hope.

New Delhi, INDIA

October 1, 2001

About Navdanya

Navdanya means “nine seeds” (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on the right to save and share seeds In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift – it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability.

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